
Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Further planning for Cork - Bristol trip

The time approaches for the off and still not nearly enough preparatory cycling done - watching Olympians is not training! Ken, Roger, David, Michael and Nigel will set off towards the end of August
Now it looks like, David will head off for Derry in advance by train and boat via Tenby, Pembroke-Rosslare, Dublin, Belfast and then make head south (still by train) for Cork, while the others pack cycles and selves into a camper van to be taken to Cork and left there for later collection.
24th August will see us all, we hope, united in County Cork and ready to set off on the morning of the 25th towards ( about 110 miles) Rosslare-Fishguard ferry on 27th and then about 160 miles through South Wales to Bristol arriving on the evening of 29th - about 270 miles in five days, we fear. Our chosen charity this year is St Peter's Hospice in Bristol.